My Films

Planet Earth II - Mountains
In this episode we climb high in to the world’s great mountain ranges. Only a few pioneering animals have what it takes to survive up here and they tend to be some of the most illusive and mysterious animals on the planet.
Witness the first time ever that four snow leopards have been filmed together, as a mother and cub become trapped in a desperate fight between two rival males. Like crazy pole dancers, Grizzly bears comically rub on trees and a bobcat struggles to hunt for ducks without getting its feet wet.

Wild North America - Deserts
Journey to the Deserts, America's heart of stone. From the epic sand dunes of the Mexican pinacate to the cactus forests of Sonora, this is a land of iconic scenery and amazing stories of survival. Harris hawks hunt in packs for rodents, Mustang fight for water and a sudden flash flood scours the canyonlands. Winter snows blanket the red rock of Monument Valley and at a secret location rare desert jaguars patrol the starlit night.60 minutes for Discovery Channel

Wild North America - Mountains
From the Sierra Nevada to The Rockies and the great ranges of Alaska, America's mountain spine is a place of constant drama. From sudden avalanches to hurricane force blizzards, the animals that manage to survive here are the toughest of all Americans. Mountains goats struggle to cross raging torrents, bighorn sheep fight each other for control and Tiny pika survive by eating bird brains. 60 minutes for Discovery

Nature's Great Events - The Great Melt
The summer melt of Arctic ice, opening up nearly three million square miles of ocean and land, provides opportunities for millions of animals, including beluga whales, families of arctic foxes, vast colonies of seabirds and the fabled arctic unicorn, the narwhal. For polar bears, however, it is the toughest time of year. Why? How will they survive?
60 Minutes for BBC 1

Tracking the White Wolf
The arctic wolf is one of the most illusive and least understood creatures on the planet. BBC Radio 4 presenter Justin Anderson teams up with one of the last Inuvialuit hunters, John Lucas, to try and get closer to these mysterious white wolves. An arctic adventure in sound. 30 minutes for Radio 4 Nature.